Saturday, 5 September 2015

Our Te Waka Dancers Perform at the Cultural Festival

On Friday night our Te Waka Unua Dancers performed as guest groups.
First the Kererū dancers did their Viennese waltz, followed by 'On Fleek' doing their hip-hop routine.

Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Bird Houses

Bird Houses
Kia ora, in the following bird house “blog post” I will be informing you about how Pīwakawaka Purple & Kererū made these amazing bird houses. The group of children who designed these pictures were Pīwakawaka Purple and Kererū students. In the photos above it shows the teamwork, bonding and hard work it took to make these outstanding creations and personally, I want one! Down below we have some paper scale models that the team made, during the week. Many Te Waka Unua children had a great experience learning and teaching each other. Especially the Seniors who got to be responsible, reliable and most importantly a role model to the younger children. Our school expectations were Right Place, Right Time, Right Thing and with those expectations you will definitely get far in life!
By Joshua K

Right Place, Right Time, Right Thing

Right place, Right time, Right thing.

Last week many students participated in an arts intensive week. Most classes took place in the rap battle which took place on Friday 29th of August just outside of the staffroom. All of the raps were outstanding. The results were drawn on Tuesday the 1st of September; the winning groups are… T2 & Piwakawaka Blue, R5 and some Toroa students and finally Kererū. I would like to congratulate all classes who won the competition and put a huge effort into their work :)
By Kahumiria